Media Production

How to Avoid Stubbornness

How can you know the difference between taking a stand on right principles and just plain stubbornness?
A man standing on a hill with the sun setting.


We have all encountered stubborn and obstinate people, and maybe we were or are one of them.

The Immovable Ladder

Learn about the tradition of the immovable ladder, years upon years of not changing because of stubbornness and disagreement. What can we learn from the lessons Paul taught to the Athenians on the subject of who God is and the…

Time to Leave Stubbornness Behind

People can be stubborn. In ancient times donkeys were loaded with cargo. Once the donkey learned a route it would only go that one way. What about us? Are we stubbornly persistent in wrong doing?
A young woman standing in front of a pile concrete blocks.

How Set Are You in Your Ways?

Our ways often get in the way of what God really wants for us.

The Kingdom of God Through the Eyes of a Stubborn Baby Calf

Join our speaker, who is a rancher, as he explains the spiritual lessons we can learn from a story of a baby calf that didn’t want to be born. If we're not careful we can be deceived into thinking that…

Be Holy

Excellent Sermon on how to be Holy as God commands us to be. Join us for this interesting message.

Are We Faithful or Stubborn?

Have you met a stubborn person? Do you know someone who is stubborn? It is human nature to be stubborn. We can begin to blame God for everything that goes wrong, but if we take a closer look at stubbornness…

Stubborness Vs Steadfastness

What's the difference between steadfastness and stubbornness? In this sermon, the speaker looks at the two topics of steadfastness and stubbornness.


”Stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry,” (1 Samuel 15:23).