
How To Avoid Being Spiritually Sedentary

In many areas there are physical and spiritual analogies. In this sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses how the impact of a physically sedentary lifestyle can be closely compared to the detriments of…

The Power of Hope

What does "hope" mean in our Christian life? Hope comes from being centered on God. If we lose that focus, our lives can become hopeless.

They Did Not Receive the Love of the Truth

Join us for this eye opening sermon about being ready for the return of Jesus Christ. Are you ready? Are you renewing your mind daily? are you getting more of God's Holy Spirit? The answers to these questions and more…

Your Bible Study

Paul told Timothy the Holy Scriptures "make you wise for salvation" (2 Timothy 3:15), so the study of the Bible is essential for Christians. But what should you study? This sermons presents ideas and suggestions for your Bible study.

Four Steps to a Healthy Conscience

One of our most valuable attributes is a conscience. This is especially true for those whom God has called. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregation discusses the purpose of a conscience and important points…

Anxiety in Today’s World

Our world is filled with people suffering from anxiety. Psychologists call this the “Age of Anxiety”. Seems as though everyone is angry about something. In the church of God, we can be affected by the anxiety of this world. We…

Why This Physical Life?

What will God say about you when you arise in the resurrection? Does He expect anything of us now, or is He ok with us just resting on our laurels? Should we be performing good works? Is that how we…

Miss A Meal - But Don't Miss The Book!

God's Word declares that a famine is coming, but one not of physical nourishment, but of spiritual - a famine of Biblical teaching. But God's people need to be careful that they don't voluntarily fast. In this split-sermon, Michael Bannen…

The 1st Couple Years of Marriage - Starting Off Right

On the eve of a wedding between two young people in the Atlanta congregation, Jerry Shallenberger (father of the groom), discusses godly principles that young people starting off in marriage should apply that will help ensure a long and happy…

Using God's Spirit to Overcome Sin

A "how to" sermon utilizing basic spiritual principles in powerful ways to overcome sin.