
Your Bible Study

Paul told Timothy the Holy Scriptures "make you wise for salvation" (2 Timothy 3:15), so the study of the Bible is essential for Christians. But what should you study? This sermons presents ideas and suggestions for your Bible study.

Miss A Meal - But Don't Miss The Book!

God's Word declares that a famine is coming, but one not of physical nourishment, but of spiritual - a famine of Biblical teaching. But God's people need to be careful that they don't voluntarily fast. In this split-sermon, Michael Bannen…

Using God's Spirit to Overcome Sin

A "how to" sermon utilizing basic spiritual principles in powerful ways to overcome sin.

The Rechabites

Studying a topic in depth is a method to learn more about it. Using reference bibles can help us put more details together.

David and Goliath

A Bible Study/workshop format based on the story of David and Goliath helping us to hone our skills in "rightly dividing the Word" (2 Tim. 2:15).

Study to Show Yourself Approved

As we approach the Passover a subject that should be on our minds is, "How are we doing, studying the Word of God?" This is a good time to take a look at that and see where and how we…

Preparing for the Passover Midterm

Now why would we call this time of year midterm? Everyone knows that spring is beginning of the season. It’s where life starts a new and we plant the seeds that will grow during summer. But Think about it. The…

Truth or the Consequences

How much falsehood can the truth tolerate before it becomes a lie? Satan has used his deceptive powers to pollute God's truth. As Christians, we need to continually seek God's truth through Bible study.
Bible Mini-Study: How to Find Things in the Bible

Bible Mini-Study

Why do we need to study the Bible? And how should we go about it?