
Student Teachers

Christians have dual responsibilities of being students and teachers. We teach our children and others as opportunity is given to us, and we are students of the Bible--God's Word. In the Millennium we are destined to be teachers of the…

The Importance of Sound Doctrine

What is doctrine? It is important? Does it really matter what your church teaches or what you believe? In this message, we explore what doctrine is, and why it is vitally important to you and for generations to come!

What Makes Mom a Mom

We usually stop to think about mom on Mother's day. But have you ever stopped to think about what truly makes moms so special? In this message we exam 7 things that make mom, mom!

Let Us Reason Together

Our God wants us to be educated in His way and know the reasons why He asks us to follow His commands. He also expects us to pass on the knowledge and understanding He gives us to the next generations.

Keeping A Positive Attitude

What can we do during the winter months to keep in a positive mindset until the spring holy days are here again?

Preserving the Truth

This sermon addresses how the truth has been preserved through time, and how it will be in the future.

Teach Our Children

Satan is out there continuing to influence the society we live. Our children are very much affected just as anybody can be. Satan attacks the family. He wants to destroy the family unit. God’s Plan includes the development and growth…

Teach Our Children

Satan is out there continuing to influence the society we live. Our children are very much affected just as anybody can be. Satan attacks the family. He wants to destroy the family unit. God’s Plan includes the development and growth…
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children..." Deuteronomy 6:5-6

Parenting From Heart to Heart

Children need to see the love of God reflected in their mother and father. Our role model is Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:10), which in turn, we strive to reflect toward our children. Only with God in us, through the power...