
Learn Something Old

Old skills are beginning to die off in our society. Do they have any value? What about the Old Testament? Does it have any value or purpose other than recording history and giving us a list of do's and don'ts…

Three important lessons learned at the feast

We need to be ready we need to use technology wisely and realize the end is our beginning.

The Spiritual Gyroscope

Today’s high-tech gyroscopes have numerous scientific and transportation-related uses. For example, they are an integral part of the inertial guidance systems that control space booster rockets and orbiting satellites. They are also employed in sophisticated automatic piloting systems in aircraft…
Digital signals being sent around the earth.

Is Today’s Technology Foretold in Bible Prophecy?

Three specific prophecies recorded thousands of years ago foreshadow our amazing age of advanced technology!
An illustration of newborn baby laying below a judge's gavel.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the July/August 2019 issue of Beyond Today.

The Sanctity of Life; Tribute to Chuck Zimmerman

Mr. Jim Tuck Title: “The Sanctity of Life” Tribute to Chuck Zimmerman. Content: War makes life expendable and cheap. What is the true value of a human life? In an age where millions die every year what is the sanctity…
A little baby sleeping.

Israel’s Amazing Accomplishments

In its short history the state of Israel has become one of the world’s greatest scientific and technological innovators. What are some of its achievements, inventions and innovations that are making a significant difference in global society?
A mushroom cloud explosion.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the September/October 2017 issue of Beyond Today.
A Bible and notebook laying on a table. A laptop is in backpack.

If Technology Goes Away, Are We Prepared?

Make sure you are never without the Word of God to study, comfort and guide you.
Our comission is to preach the gospel to as many people as possible. One way we are able to achieve this is through technology.

Technology and Preaching the Gospel

Ours is a work of spreading the gospel around the world! We have a divine, scriptural commission to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom to as many people as we are able.