
The Roman Turtle

A Christian's absolute faith in God can stop and extinguish the flaming arrows that Satan the devil shoots at us.

The Difference Between Trials and Temptations

Will God tempt us to sin? What is the difference between how God gives us tests, and how Satan tempts our weaknesses? These answers and three strategies to resist temptation.

Lessons From Jesus’ Temptation in the Wilderness

After being declared the Son of God at His baptism, Jesus entered the wilderness where He fasted for 40 days, then was tempted by the devil. Lessons we can draw from that encounter and apply in our day to day…
Media Production

Space Junk: Temptations

What junk is clogging up our minds? Are we keeping track of temptations that could cause us spiritual damage?
Staying close to God in fervent prayer is a critical key  in fighting temptation.

Beware the Invisible Power

There is an unseen power at work right now! A hidden enemy that can injure and destroy is in our midst. What is this concealed influence and most importantly, what can we do about it?

Wisdom is Not Found in Darkness

Mankind has a tendency of seeking for wisdom in dark places. True wisdom comes from God.

Why Fast?

Scripture places a great deal of emphasis on fasting. What are we showing God and Christ when we fast? Of the examples given in scripture of people fasting what were the major reasons for their fasting? How does God view…

Five Experiences Our Savior Shares With Us

Deacon David Cobb covers five areas in which our Savior shared our human experiences: the joy of being alive; the suffering of being alive; the joy of doing what is right; the temptation to do what is wrong; and the…

Preparing for the Passover

Watch an excellent video , with 3 points, for taking the Passover in a worthy manner.

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Today's media, the social networks, and the entertainment industry are like rat traps by enticing you into their way of life. They are just waiting for you to take the cheese (or the bait which draws you in). Do you…