
Buy of Me Gold Tried in the Fire

Do you value the Kingdom of God? Are you prepared to pay the price now? Can you make that type of commitment? Can you show that your commitment is genuine?

Standing Strong in Unsettling Times

The Apostle Peter wrote I Peter letter in about 67AD. It was an unsettling time for Christians. Rome had burned in 64AD. Christians were blamed, persecuted and many martyred. Peter tells Christians how to conduct themselves during unsettling times. Good…

Firm Foundation

Like Trees having to brace itself against driving storms and winds strengthens the roots of a tree, trials strengthen our roots to help us have a firm foundation against the trials we will face.

Tempted, Tested and Tried

God created the physical universe and gave His only Son for a purpose vastly more important than for you and I to merely enjoy nice living today. The brief lifetime that is available to each of us is necessary for…

But If Not

Daniel chapter 3 is an account of unmovable faith. Like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we too must acknowledge God’s supremacy and authority, putting Him first. We must trust completely in His promised deliverance. The expression, “But if not”, doesn’t convey…

It’s in The Stretch

God says whatever your hands find to do, to do it with all your might. God wants us to stretch to our full potential. We have to use wisdom and we should plan using God’s plan as our guide. God…

Faithfulness in Truth and Trials

Many of God’s promises involve giving us blessings for obedience and faithfulness to Him. Why then do the faithful end up with tests and trials? Is it because we not faithful enough? Is it because God is not faithful in…

Where do Trials Come From

All of us from time to time have to deal with the life events we call “Trials”. Trials can be tragic and at times “unfair” so why does an All-Powerful God allow them in the lives of Christians? Where do…

The Health of Your Faith

Faith in God must be an important part of our character. We need to increase our faith in God by testing what He says in His Word. It is not always easy but the more we step out in faith…

Passing Our Test of Faith

We are called to pass the test of our faith. God will test us to see what is in our hearts. Abraham’s test is a classic example of proving our faith to God by what we do. The genuineness of…