
Buy of Me Gold Tried in the Fire

Do you value the Kingdom of God? Are you prepared to pay the price now? Can you make that type of commitment? Can you show that your commitment is genuine?

Stepping Into the Moment With God

Do we understand that as each of us face any trial, test, temptation or problem, we are never alone in those encounters of life; that God is always there with us in those moments of trouble and need, and that…

Lessons From the Exodus

We face many common things throughout the year. We all face challenges and they are very common to people who try to follow God. They are things that Satan tempts us with and has tempted Christians for two thousand years.

The Trauma of Trials, Why We Go Through Them

Suffering affects the entire world, emotionally, physically, financially, these all take a toll on mankind. What will we do in trials, and when we suffer?

You Can Grow in Faith

We cannot choose the time, or the manner of our testing, so we must prepare now by a life of prayer, God’s word, and humble obedience strengthen your faith in the good times so you may be better prepared when…

The Dangers of Normalcy Bias

Normalcy bias is a default mode the human mind goes into to protect itself. It causes an individual to deny the danger that is around them. What does your mind default to in troubling times? Can we train our minds…

Going Through Tests and Trials

Whenever a heavy trial comes, it is not always because we broke God's laws. Stuff happens. Time and chance happens to everyone. By experiencing trials and testing we have character built in us. All things do work together for good…


Do we realize that God knows everything about us? Let’s work toward building character He would be proud of.

Stony Paths

Remember that God gives us the protection we need to walk His path.

Sunsets and Clouds

Do we allow trials to enhance our growth?