Third Commandment

3. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."


In The Name of The Lord

In numerous places in the Bible blessings, events, prayers, are given “in the name of the Lord.” What does that mean for us?
Q&A: I have heard about euphemisms, but would you please explain more about them?


Euphemisms are “the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensively blunt or harsh” (Random House Dictionary of the English Language).

Let Us Keep the Third Commandment

Are we careful of all that proceeds out of our mouths? God's Name is misused in the world around us terribly and we must be careful not to be drawn in.

Name of God

The third commandment shows love and respect for God. Two ways we can keep the third commandment - by our words and our actions.
Media Production

The 10 Commandments in the New Testament: Part 3

Jesus Christ made a connection to the third commandment pointing out how to be true living examples of what a Christian really is.

He Has Placed His Name on You

How we honor God by not taking His name in vain or using it flippantly is one thing. Living up to His name, which has been placed on us, is completely different. We are to live our lives as representatives…
Beyond Today Bible Study -- The Third Commandment: From Profanity to Praise
Video Series Lesson

The Third Commandment: From Profanity to Praise

This is the third part in the Beyond Today Bible study series: The Ten Commandments. Perhaps the least understood of the Ten is the Third. What is in a name? Plenty when it comes to understanding God, His purpose and...

"Are you sure You really know the Third Commandment?"

Le troisième commandement  : Du blasphème à la louange

The Third Commandment

3. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." The use of God's name in a degrading or in any way...
Les multiples noms de Dieu révèlent beaucoup à son sujet

God's Many Names Reveal Much About Him

The Bible uses a variety of names for God. He calls things what they are, and He calls Himself what He is.