Third Commandment

3. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."

girl with her lips shut

Leaving Unfit Words Unspoken

Saying things that don’t do much to “improve on the silence,” as one Spanish proverb states, is a common occurrence in our conversations.

The Third Command, Its Sacred Meaning

Maybe the most neglected command of the Royal 10. Examining the careless use of His Honorable Name, and learning the meaning of its sacred use in our daily language.

God's 3rd Commandment: The Weight of Our Words

The 3rd Commandment should be well known by Biblically informed people, but the misuse of God's name is now commonly heard and accepted among Americans. Additionally, swearing and cursing is part of the language of many people. In this sermon…

True Christianity

True Christianity lives because Christianity is the most balanced and productive way of living, and is neither odd nor strange. It works. Great amounts of Christ’s teachings were the basic principles of interpersonal relationships. But do we really believe that…

The Sacredness of God's Name - Part 2

In the 2nd of this 2 part series, we explore the various names of Jesus Christ, both in the New Testament and the Old Testament. We will cover topics such as: the Greek language it was written in, the names…

The Sacredness of God's Name - Part 1

Do you ever wonder if there is a special name we must use when talking about God or Jesus Christ? Does it matter how we say their names? What does it mean when we used different names of God. We'll…
God's name has authority and power that should be rightly used.

The Ten Commandments Series

You are called to carry His name and reflect His character with every thought, word and action. Never misuse or misrepresent His name. Instead, carry His name in the many wonderful ways that honor, exalt, magnify and glorify God the...

A Look at the 3rd Commandment

We will look at the 3rd Commandment and see for ourselves whether it is only speaking about “taking God’s name in vain” or whether it has a bigger, broader, very important meaning. Exodus 20:7 “You shall not take the name…

The Third Commandment

This message discusses the third commandment and the importance of treating God's name with the respect that it deserves.

Don't Use Euphemisms

We must be careful today to not get caught up in euphemisms. What are euphemisms? Why must we be careful? God warns us in His Word about using certain euphemisms but He calls them what they really are.