
Why Does God Want Our Thoughts?

God knows and can read our very minds. Why does God want us to bring every thought into captivity? And what are some of these thoughts that we’re suppose to bring into captivity? What do we have to be watching…

Having the Mind of Christ

In Philippians 2:5 we are commanded to have the mind of Christ to dwelling in us. What is the mind of Christ? How can we come to have the mind of Christ?

The Attitude of Christ's Bride

Attitude is so important to God. Tune in and find out just how our attitude should be all the time!

All Things Work Together

Romans 8:28 is one of the most memorized verses in the New Testament. But do we really understand what is being written here? What does God mean "for good"? How do we love God and what is His purpose? Let's…

Meditation: A Tool for Spiritual Growth

What is meditation? How do we, as Christians, meditate? God's Word reveals surprising nuances to the word meditation and what it means to us as Christians.

The 4th Commandment

When God tells us to "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy" what is He saying? How do we remember the Sabbath? Are we free to chose any day of the week to worship God or has God chosen…

Does God Approve of Military Service and War?

God will soon solve all this world's woes. He will end all war and killing; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. The former things will have passed away and there will no longer be a need…


An empty mind can be dangerous. A full mind can be dangerous if filled with wrong things. Godly meditation is different. Hear the definition of meditation and examples in the Bible that depict its true benefits.

Battle For Your Thoughts

Our adversary desires to control our thoughts. God wants us to control our own thoughts. We do so by bringing every thought into captivity of Christ. (2 Cor 10)

What Does God Think of Our Thoughts

Split sermon looking at the work we need to do on what we do, think about, and put into our minds as we strive to measure up to what God expects of us.