
Are You Ready for the Time of the End?

We need to be a genuine Christian at all times.
Media Production

Are We Living in The Time of The End?

Bible prophecy states that cataclysmic events will occur before God’s direct intervention in human affairs.

Seven Prophetic Events Before the Return of Jesus Christ

Towards the end of Christ's ministry and time on earth, He sat down with His disciples on the mount of Olives and they asked Him a question that is recorded in Matthew chapter 24. The disciples wanted to know what…

Discerning the Times

Many people in the world look to physical things to determine what they should do or how they should live, but the bible warns us to be careful in what we put our trust in. Are we paying attention to…

Are We Living in the Last Days?

A friend asked me: "do you think we are living in the Last Days?" The terminology "last days" occurs several times in the Bible. What is meant by the phrase "the Last Days," and how can you prepare yourself for…

Masada and The Time Of Trouble

During the time that Jerusalem fell in the 1st Century, many Jews fled to the mountain fortress of Masada. In this sermonette, Jon Beam discuss details of that period and relates it to the coming desperate events that will occur…

The 1260, 1290 and 1335 Years of Daniel 12

In Daniel 12, three numbers are presented - 1,260, 1,290 and 1,335. What do these represent and what relevancy might they have for God's people today? In this sermon, Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in the Buford and Atlanta congregations…

The Time of the End

Matthew 24 - Christ gave His Olivet Prophecy not so the end of this age could be predicted, but so that it could be prepared for.

The Time of the Gentiles

In describing the events just prior to His return, Jesus Christ describes a specific sign referred to as the 'time of the gentiles'. What should should know about this time?
Dark clouds with sunlight filtering through.

What Is the Time of the End?

It seems like every time we turn on our TVs, open a newspaper or follow the trends on social media, there’s bad news. How long can it last? Are we in the time of the end?