Media Production

Spiritual Runners

Running a race is a common metaphor in the Bible for our Christian journey.

Would Jesus Keep Christmas?

The pastor reviews why Christmas should not be kept, and proves through scriptures that this holiday season is neither a way to honor God's name nor a correct form of worship.

A Pattern for Believers

When writing to Timothy, Paul said that his own life and conversion would serve as a pattern for future believers. If God's mercy and longsuffering can transform the "chief sinner" into an effect apostle, we know He can change us…

Paul's Last Words Against Heresy: Second Timothy

Paul had a lot to say about his opponents in Ephesus, even as he faced the likelihood of his own execution. This is a survey of what he says about them and what that tells us about their identity.
Media Production

Three Qualities of God's Spirit

The Bible shows how God's Spirit can help us overcome fear.

Known by Love

In our mission of discipleship, we are tasked with being known by love. Are you? In this message, we'll discuss what the hallmark of a true disciple is, our obligation in a world against that defining mission, and how to…

Who Wrote First Timothy?

Many modern biblical scholars conclude that the Apostle Paul did not write the letter titled "First Timothy", even though the opening sentence says that it is from Paul. We look at the reasons why some doubt this is Paul's writing…

Did Paul Write First Timothy?

There are theologians who believe First Timothy was not written by the Apostle Paul. This study is to show why theologians believe First Timothy was not written by Paul, and in response, the reasons why we do believe that First…

Lesson from Paul's Charge to Timothy

Paul's charge to Timothy was not so much challenging him as he was encouraging Timothy. Sometimes even good men need to be pushed a little. Timothy was doing the job, and Paul was charging him to continue to teach and…
No matter how a person begins to understand the truth, they must respond by recognizing it and wanting to learn more. They can only understand if their mind is open. Our calling is from the Father.

Saul, the Ethiopian or Timothy? Whose Calling Was Better?

God has a vision for your life. He is calling you to be in His family forever and continue to build His Kingdom, which will never stop growing.