
The War on Marriage and Family

There are forces at war in the world attacking God-ordained marriage which in turn threatens the survival of the traditional family. You need to know what the battlefields are in this warfare and what God would have you to do…
What's Behind the Transgender Movement?

What's Behind the Transgender Movement?

The push of the transgender agenda by media, news organizations and government is promoted as simply a matter of human rights and fairness. But is that the real issue, or is something considerably different at work? And what insight does...
Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Summer 2019

Dear Compass Checkers, Summer is here in full swing and I hope you will be enjoying time at one of our fantastic United Youth Camps. Personally I look forward to being at our new camp—Woodland, Georgia. Forget about being “picture...
A person sitting with the head down in a dark hallway.

What’s Behind the Transgender Movement?

With increasingly mandated acceptance of transgenderism, society is careening off a cliff. How did we get here? And where will we end up?
Roman Venus statue

Gender Blurring in Pagan Worship

Crossdressing existed in ancient pagan worship—prominent being that of the Babylonian Ishtar, goddess of love, war, fertility and sex, called Inanna in Sumerian. The Israelites in their apostasies worshipped this goddess under the name Ashtoreth and by the title “Queen...
A bathroom sign with icons for a man, woman and handicap.

“When the Binary Burns”

A sobering article at LifeSiteNews by Claire Chretien titled “Bathrooms Are Just the Beginning: A Scary Look Into the Trans Movement’s End Goals” (May 6, 2016) presents an eye-opening analysis of what’s going on.
Media Production

What Should Christians Think About Gender Identity Issues?

Controversy surrounding North Carolina's "Bathroom Bill" has inspired impassioned debates representing every world view -- except for one. What does God have to say about gender identity?
A long crosswalk bridge.

What Should Christians Think About Gender Identity Issues?

God's desire is for everybody to embrace their natural gender and live a life that glorifies Him.
Shadow of a person's legs.

Current Events & Trends

A recent opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal by a former psychiatrist at John Hopkins University points out that someone who believes they are the wrong sex has a mental illness.