
Why Understand the Modern Identity of the Tribes of Israel

The vital key to unlocking Bible prophecy and end time events and God's loving faithfulness. To understand the identity of the tribes of ancient Israel in modern times makes God's prophecies come alive!

Origins of the American Indians

We'll address these vital elements of God's truth: The fallacy of Evolution vs. the truth of Creation. How God planted populations of the sons of Noah The technical wisdom of Israel and other ancient cultures The migrations to the Americas…

Tracking the Tribes Through Migrations and Maps

Why would God give prophecies in the Bible about the nations and events leading to the second coming of Jesus Christ just ahead of us but not tell us who the key national "players" in those prophecies are? It wouldn't...

Telltale Tracks in More Names, Languages, Archaeology and Art History

We are all products of our ancestral past. The same is true for nations. Once they were tribes, before that they were clans, before that they were families and before that they came from one man-a patriarch.

The Tribe Tracker's Guide to the Future

What in the world has God been doing? What will God do with the world in the future? Here's how you can track ancient tribes through history to understand prophecy. Think of it as a portal to God's plan for...