
For You See Your Calling

Not many people have been called. We spared spiritual tribulation. We need to appreciate our calling.

The Rapture

There is a commonly held belief that the saints will be raptured away. What does the Bible have to say about the rapture theory?
Media Production

What Is "Teotwawki"?

A new acronym has emerged out of today's difficult times.

Revelation 2: What We Learn from the Church of God, Smyrna

Pastor Philip Aust covers background of the ancient city of Smyrna, the message of Revelation 2 directed to that church, and the important spiritual lessons that we can glean from them today.

The Glorified Firstfruits

On the Feast of Trumpets a group of people rise to meet Christ in the air - the Firstfruits! Just who are these people and what does the Bible reveal about them? In this sermon message, Dr. Steve Holladay covers…

The Time of the End

The Bible discusses at period described "as the time of the end." We will look into Daniel 12 to examine its clear prophecies. It describes a "time of trouble" that will affect the contemporary physical descendant nations of ancient Israel--which…

Lessons from the Sower

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke contain the some 36 parables of Christ Jesus. The parables were and are important teaching tools for those who are called and have ears to hear. The Parable of the Sower is only…

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

Are We Ready?

The Bible indicates that there will be a place of safety and that some of God's people may be taken there. Christ spoke parables describing the events leading to this time and that Christians must be ready - spiritually prepared…

Masada and The Time Of Trouble

During the time that Jerusalem fell in the 1st Century, many Jews fled to the mountain fortress of Masada. In this sermonette, Jon Beam discuss details of that period and relates it to the coming desperate events that will occur…