
Great Pressure

Like a pressure cooker, the heat is being turned up as we live in a world that is building up under more and more pressure of fear all around us. David Jones describes how we, as Christians, can have hope…

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Bear?

Does God give us more than we can handle? The question isn't really that simple. This sermon dives into the reality of what God allows in our life.

Pray for Peace

Do you ever have trials or see things in life that leave you wondering 'why?' Why does God allow this or that to happen? Or perhaps, why can't I get the things I 'need' in life? Sometimes, we think we…

Where Are We in Prophecy?

The year 2019 has arrived! Exactly where are we today in end-time prophecy? For the best that we can know, listen in to find out our present position in biblical prophecy.

Don't Resent the Scars

We all have scars. We all have experiences in our lives that have changed us, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. It is how we learn from these things and what we take away from them, is up…

Understanding and Preparing for the End Times (Part 1)

This message deals with understanding what is the end time as well as the major events and conditions that must be in place at the start of this period of time. It also discusses what we, as disciples, must be…

Never Give In!

Have you ever felt like just giving up?