
The trinity doctrine is the belief that God is three persons coexisting in one being or substance, as the doctrine is often defined, is held by millions of Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox believers alike. For a deeper study of the trinity doctrine and if the trinity is biblical read the study aid Is God a Trinity?.

A pair of praying hands

Christianity: A Cult for Jesus? Part 3

In this three-part series, let’s briefly examine the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, the nature of Jesus in the context of modern cult worship, and how one might discern whether the cultivation of Christianity is based on authentic...
Media Production

The Trinity Vs. The Bible

Millions believe God consists of three distinct persons or entities—but this concept is nowhere found in the Bible.
Media Production

Three Keys to Knowing God

Is it possible a Christian can believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and not believe the doctrine of the trinity?

Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves Part 1

Today I am beginning a series of messages about different topics that each of us will have to answer to in this hostile world. Do you know how to answer for your beliefs that will not immediately cause others to…

The Oneness of God

The "Oneness of God" is a concept that can easily be misunderstood when the scriptures are not correctly applied. While the triunity of God has no merit -- the 'Family of God', consisting of the Father and the Son, is…

Trinity Examination

Gardenhire examines the trinity belief and shows, from the scriptures, why it is a false belief.

Open Bible Study Q&A

Three topics are discussed: the trinity doctrine in light of Matthew 28:18-20; The meaning of 1 Peter 1:7; and John 14:12, which claims those that believe in Jesus will do greater works and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 that describes the gifts…
A man sitting in an audience.

What Makes the United Church of God Different From Other Churches?

Similar to most Christian churches, United Church of God (UCG) congregations meet each week to worship our great Creator God and to receive instruction from His Word. Typical services include familiar elements such as song, prayer and sermons. However, UCG...

What the Bible Says About Two Related Heresies

From time to time, various heresies have arisen and have gained a foothold – even within the Church of God. We know that Trinitarianism is a heresy and is not Biblical. However, two other heresies have gained a following in…

Is the Holy Spirit Called God?

Many believe that the account of Ananias and Sapphira recorded in Acts 5 is a proof that the Holy Spirit is called God. What does the bible really say? Can we say that the Holy Spirit is a being equal…