
The Unleavened Bread of Sincerity and Truth

Are you truly sincere in following Jesus Christ?

Are You a Principle-Centered Person?

There is a difference between being principle-centered and church-centered. Just showing up to church every week doesn’t prove that you are dedicated to God’s way. There are at least four ways to identify a principle-centered person. Are you principle-centered?

Intelligent Design Versus Evolution

The theory of evolution is doing a lot of damage in our society. Is there valid scientific evidence that supports Intelligent Design?

God's Will for Your Life

How much does God control? How much of what happens on earth is God’s will? Is it His will that people suffer? Is every success or failure in your life God’s will?


What does the Bible teach about angels? How do angels appear to men? How do angels interact with the world?

How We Deceive Ourselves

How does Satan deceive the world? How does our human nature deceive us? What can we do to resist Satan’s deception?

What's So Bad About a Little White Lie?

What does God say about lying? If you are a habitual liar, where will that get you? Stop and think for a moment about the nineth commandment. If mankind was able to eradicate even this one sin, do you know…

Can You Handle the Truth?

To show what Truth is and how to handle it! Since sincerity and Truth are what unleavening is what the Days of UB are about!

Why Does Our Church Emphasize Truth Instead of Love?

A systematic biblical look at how biblical truth and godly love are intertwined; one flows from the other, and cannot be separated without losing the full picture of both.

Doers of the Word

Most agree that Biblical teaching is important. Yet in the religious world reaction to Scripture varies greatly. This sermon addresses the vital role of Biblical teaching and it’s connection to action. w seconds and try to cut or copy again.