
Lessons from Jeremiah

If we had a prophet telling us today that we were going into captivity, who would believe it? When God calls, we need to listen - young or old - we need to listen and obey. What is our mission…

Five Events in Three and One-Half Years

The Bible indicates a 3 and 1/2 year period of Great Tribulation just prior to Christ's return. What is the meaning of the 1260 days, the "times, time and half a time," and 42 months? What events are tied to…

The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation, or Time of Jacobs Trouble is a detailed set of prophesied events that will take place immediately before the return of Christ. It serves as a warning to those who are not taking their calling seriously… and…

The Two Witnesses

In light of recent news coverage from Washington, D.C., David discusses a vile attempt of individuals attempting to be a witness to others and how it compares to what we should expect to see from the prophesied two witnesses of…

The Seven Trumpets

By examining the Trumpet blasts from the conquest of Jericho we gain insight on the true meaning of the Feast of Trumpets.

The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of the Two Witnesses

When we think about the return of Jesus Christ and end-time events as told in the Book of Revelation, we often think about the Two Witnesses. Who are they? What is their purpose? When will they appear on the world…

Bible Study-Prophecy

Part one of answers and discussion of understanding prophetic events.
Media Production

Who Are the Two Witnesses?

Are they really the source of global trouble the world will soon see? You need to know so you aren't caught off guard.

The Little Book and the Two Witnesses

The little book and the two witnesses. The continuing series on the Book of Revelation covering Chapter 10.

Twenty-two Prophecies Fulfilled

Bible prophecy is vital for us to understand. Here are twenty-two prophecies that are fulfilled and twenty-two that are left to be fulfilled.