United States

"He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great..." (Genesis 48:19).

The United States' history is tied to Great Britain's by more than just a revolution. The story begins with a promise to a patriarch, passed down to two brothers—the ancestors of two of the world's greatest superpower nations. Find out more below.

A solider saluting.

America’s Military in Crisis

As the world grows increasingly unstable, America’s military appears dangerously misguided.
A illustration of a missile flying in the sky.

Today’s Arms Race

America, Russia and China are locked in a new arms race involving unprecedented weapons technology. Will this growing arms race end the human race?

God's Covenant with King David

This message explores an understanding that is one of our Fundamental Beliefs—the promises God made to Abraham. This understanding is also rooted in the covenant God made with King David. We’ll look at how David scripturally fits in with our…
Media Production

Joseph’s Birthright: The Coronation and Stone of Destiny - Part 2

Learn how the covenant, promise and prophecy of a future kingdom was foretold ages ago.
This famous painting in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building depicts the presentation of the draft of the Declaration of Independence to Congress on June 28, 1776.

America’s Forgotten Christian Heritage

As the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving comes around again, we are reminded of America’s founding and how far the nation has drifted from the devotion to God on which it was founded.
A digital USA flag in New York City.

A World in Chaos as America Fractures

As the United States becomes increasingly divided, the effect is felt around the globe in the form of frail leadership, further division and turmoil among the nations.
Artist illustration of American flag on top of US map of "red" and "blue" states.

Two Nations Under One Flag

Americans are losing cohesion with one another, with politics and societal values becoming more and more polarized. Where is this leading?
A artist illustration of a crack going through the American flag.

The Divided States of America

The nation’s division is so obvious that growing numbers of people expect violence, bloodshed and perhaps even another civil war. What’s behind this, and what does it mean for you?
Abraham Lincoln in 1858 when he gave his “House Divided” speech.

“A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand”

We hope and pray that you will have ears to hear and, most importantly, a heart to heed and seek God. Take to heart the words of Scripture—repent, turn to God and pray for mercy for the nation!
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: November–December 2022

The United States is deeply divided—to the point that many Americans expect violence and perhaps even another civil war. What are the roots of these irreconcilable differences? Where will they take the nation? Perhaps not surprisingly, the answers are found...