United States

"He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great..." (Genesis 48:19).

The United States' history is tied to Great Britain's by more than just a revolution. The story begins with a promise to a patriarch, passed down to two brothers—the ancestors of two of the world's greatest superpower nations. Find out more below.

Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: September–October 2021

Lately we’ve been hearing a new term from the global elites—“The Great Reset.” What exactly is that, and what does it mean? It’s their term for their vision of a different and better world. It will indeed be different, but...
Media Production

Has God Given Up On America?

Why are distressing events shaking the nation? Is God sending a message to its people? What should this mean to you?
A graph with a downward trend to the right.

America’s Economic Transformation

We would do well to learn an economic lesson from 3,000 years ago recorded in the pages of the Bible. It reveals the dangerous path America seems determined to follow.
A United States of America and Chinese flag.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
Media Production

Equality Act

We are facing another battle in the moral revolution and our ability to preach the gospel is being challenged.
Media Production

God's Concern

The moral revolution in the United States rages on as many in power dismiss God's relevance. Despite this dismissal of God, He is very concerned.
People gathering outside the Capitol building in Washington, DC.

What’s Holding America Together?

It’s the critical question of the moment. The world’s leading nation is in mortal danger. Still powerful, still capable of great and noble deeds, but under attack—its future in question. The handwriting is on the wall. What should you understand...
A person holding a puppet strings.

Are You Being Manipulated?

Few people are aware of the great unseen spiritual battle taking place throughout the world. Fewer still realize that the main battlefield is within their minds!
Media Production

Something Awful has Been Unleashed

The United States was founded on godly principles; principles of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When Rep. Emanuel Cleaver invoked the name of Brahma in his January 3 prayer, he invoked the name of a pagan god. What...
Pride parade.

God’s State of the Union Address to America

If God were giving a State of the Union Address to the American people today, what would He say? How does He view the state of the nation?