
Our Manner of Spirit in Righteous Indignation

Why did James and John ask if they should call down fire on a town that rejected Jesus? Rather than overzealousness, what if they were level-headed and rational - and how could Jesus’s response instruct us to navigate a world…

To Do Justly

God requires us to "do justly." The giving of the law has shown us exactly what 'just' means. God's law defines true justice.

Parable of the Unjust Steward

Have you ever been puzzles by the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16? Beattie explains this parable and its aspects: mammon, stewards, unjust, command, make friends. What lessons can we learns? Alternate views are also explored.

Lazarus and the Rich Man

The Pharisees were covetous and lovers of money. This message discusses the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16. It then discusses the parable of Lazarus and the rich man within this context of the proper use of material…

People in the Streets