
It Is Time to Wake Up!

Paul admonished the church in Rome, " is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed". Could you be asleep spiritually? Do you clearly see what's going on around you?

Do you Have a Sense of Urgency?

It is our job and responsibility to maintain a sense of urgency for the return of Jesus Christ.

Choose Your Own Ending

In the parable of The Faithful Servant and the Evil Servant in Matthew 24:45-51, the servant chooses the ending of his own story by his actions. A lack of urgency about the return of our Master and king can lead…

The Lion and the Waterbuck

Very interesting message about how sometimes we can use God's creation to learn Spiritual lessons for our lives. What is our vision and our goal for our spiritual future? Why were we born? Join us for this very eye opening…

Maintaining A Sense of Urgency

When faced with major trials, it's relatively easy to maintain spiritual focus and be diligent with prayer and Bible study. The challenge comes when life is relatively easy; it's still just as important to exercise the spiritual disciplines, but it's…

I Urge You Brethren

A look at three places in the book of Romans that has this phrase "I Urge You Brethren". We are to have a sense of urgency and these three scriptures show some of what we are to have urgency about.

Do you operate with a sense of urgency?

How would you prepare for a meeting with God? Would you invest in yourself to make sure you are fully prepared for that meeting? Would you operate with a sense of urgency leading up to it? Our time is now…

Wake Up

There are many times in live when we just kind of stumble along not really paying much attention. The time is urgent and it is time to WAKE UP!!!!

Building Your Relationship with God

An overview of the recently completed United Youth Corps project in Ghana, and an overview of this years UYC Camp theme, and its take-away message. Accompanying PowerPoint available in Download Section

Have You Lost Your Sense of Urgency?

Our ultimate salvation depends on the intensity of our ongoing conversion!