
Times of Refreshing, Times of Restoration

Acts 3:18-21 reveal a two-fold process of salvation. Mankind has sought, on his own, to bring utopia to earth, but it is impossible unless there is a personal "time of refreshing" for every individual.

Is a Real Utopia Even Possible?

Millions of people have died in hellish conditions under the oppressive rule of despotic leaders claiming to be trying to bring about "utopia". What will be different in the world tomorrow after the return of Jesus Christ?


Is there anyone who doesn't yearn for Utopia, a place in which everything is wonderful? What do you yearn for? Join the study today as we discover the fact that our yearnings reveal a lot about us and our relationship…

The Coming Utopia

Today people are troubled about many things. People are beginning to think that there is no hope for peace or solutions for problems that plaque the world at this time. In this sermon Mr. Jim Call shows that at Christ's…
A person sitting on a cliff with sunset behind.


Will mankind ever live without war, grief and suffering? Is world peace even possible? If so, how will it happen?

Utopian Prophecies of Our Future Dwelling Place

Bible prophecy is not just about gloomy future happenings belonging to this present evil age. It also encompasses Christ's coming millennial rule on earth and the Kingdom of God. This article focuses on our futuristic dwelling place in that glorious...

Global Power Shifts Not All Change Is Good

Nations are drifting more and more towards becoming one world, but the result will not be the utopia that many expect!

The Year 2000

"... The twentieth century has been less a century to celebrate than one to survive. And as it draws to a close with threats to our continued existence multiplying both in scale and number—so that to add to the evils...

Why a Human Utopia Won't Happen

There is a fundamental reason for our inability to implement a system in which we can live in peace and happiness with ourselves, and few understand what the problem is.

New Name For an Ancient Concept

Mankind has sought, but never attained, a perfect society ever since. Utopia is a dream that has never died.