
A Quick Observation of God's Creation

When we look at all the variety in God's Creation, we should see that there is duality between the physical and spiritual in all He has made. During this Sabbath-in-the-Park, we shall explore how light and shape have comparable values…

A Family Feud

Mr. Len Martin gives a sermon on whether we value what God has given us, using the Hatfield's & McCoy's fable as a backdrop.

Recapturing Our True Value

The created can only know their true value from their Creator.

May I Have Your Attention Please?

Filmmaker and media consultant Phil Cooke, is quoted as saying, “the most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.” Attention is an important biblical concept as well a critical characteristic of a disciple of Jesus Christ. In…

You Are Holy

The value we have now is God's Holy Spirit, the pearl of great value.

More Than 9999 Pure

Gold has long been valued for its beauty, durability, versatility, and relative scarcity. What is valuable to you? What gives it worth? Using biblical comparisons and analogies with that precious metal in relation to our Christian walk, this message reminds…

Patience in God

Since we are to be part of the God family we should resemble God even now. This applies to attribute of patience as well.

Safeguarding Our Legacy of Truth

How much do we value our Fundamental Beliefs? What are they? Where do the come from? Why do they Matter? Is there prophetic significance that we should consider in our approach?

The Great Value of Our Calling

God called us to be part of His church - this great end-time work. How that came to be is fascinating.

Salt of the Earth

In Matthew 5:13, Christ said we are the salt of the earth. What does this mean? Why does Christ also give warning in the same verse regarding salt losing its flavor? Five characteristics and properties of salt.