
Cultural Trends Influence Our Children

The forces of evil are out there to destroy the family and to undermine true values. Are you doing your part to combat it and shape the next generation?

Developing a Conscience in Our Children

Through the increase of horrific acts of violence perpetrated by our nation’s youth, we see the results of the decreasing of our nation’s conscience. How do we develop a conscience in immoral society?

Jacob's Trouble

The world has been thrown into turmoil since 9/11. The Bible tells us that there is coming a time of trouble on this world, and that it is going to occur at the time of the end.

Prophecy and the Spirit of This Age

What is happening in many parts of the world? Tune in and find out!

Race, D.N.A. and Character

We learn of the example of the African-American musician, author and activist, Daryl Davis, who managed to befriend KKK members, and after developing a relationship with them, helped about 200 clan members to leave and denounce the group. We will…

Military Service and War

Bible Study: About participating in war, conscription, self-defense and covering other matters related to military service and violence.

Jacob’s Trouble

As with ancient Israel, so with modern-day Israel – Israel will be taken captive because of the people's sins and rejection of God. But there is hope!

The Kingdom Suffers Violence

What did Jesus mean when he said, "The Kingdom suffers Violence"'? John the Baptist is a link to this paradox.

The Minor Prophets: Jonah - A Story of Compassion and Repentance

Following the Days of Unleavened Bread, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and the Buford congregations, discusses the lessons that we can learn from the Book of Jonah.
Media Production

School Shootings in Florida: Why Again?

Has your mind become desensitized to the violence in our culture today? It's time to look at yourself, change your behavior and seek to have the right relationship with God.