
I'll Walk With God

God will be with you if you are walking in His ways. Wherever you go, don't walk by yourself, walk with God.

Walking With God

If we walk and talk with God we gain a better understanding of God's ways. Several points are shared concerning our daily walk with God and why it is so important.

Writing a Better Story

When it comes to writing a good story, there are certain elements that really make a story interesting, exciting, and impactful. These same elements can be applied to the story of our lives to make for a life worthy of…

Where Are We Now?

Where do we find ourselves at this point in our spiritual journey and what we must do to successfully navigate our way through these trying times.

Major Milestones In Our Walk With God

God created man with the opportunity to have a direct relationship with the God family. When sin entered the scene in Genesis 3, the direct relationship with the Father was severed. Now that Christ has come and reconciled us with…

Our Good Intentions Must Supported By Principles Found in God's Word

I'm sure that all of us have had many "good intentions" over the years. I'm equally sure that not all of our "good intentions" played out as we had hoped. In examining this concept of "good intentions" we will look…

Tips For Navigating The Way

The path to the Kingdom of God is described as the narrow, difficult Way. If we're not careful, we can easily end up in the ditch, unable to complete the journey. As with driving, there are a number of things…

What Does the LORD Your God Require of You

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 is a record of what God inspired Moses to tell the Israelites as they were about to enter the Promised Land. These 5 requirements all relate to their relationship with God. We know Jesus Christ is the one…

What Does it Mean to Walk with God?

We are all aware that walking is essential to our physical health. But did you know that walking is absolutely essential to your spiritual health as well? Today I want us to focus on the critical steps we must take…

A Place Prepared For You

Joh 14:2 In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Joh 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I…