
Learning to be a Child of God

Our world has an intensely competitive spirit. We all want to be #1. But being a child of God means we need to develop a different attitude.

Finding What's Truly Priceless

Jesus Christ described the core of His message in Matthew 13:45-46 as a pearl of great price. But what He did for us as His final act of love is also priceless.

Handwriting on Today's Walls


Simplify, Simplify, Simplify

This current economic crisis is shaping up to be bigger than anything since the Great Depression. What happened that brought us to where we are today. And why does the answer begin on the street where you live?

European Banking Crisis

Followers of Bible prophecy see the possibility of a major prophetic fulfillment in the making.

Wall Street Blew It-What We Can Learn


Wall Street's Year of Release?

Is it possible we will one day see a return to godly financial principles in the world's financial capitals?

America's Financial Crisis


When Wall Street Plays God

God gives no one the right to rewrite the laws of basic prosperity. Anyone trying to change His rules is playing God—trying to usurp His authority.

US May Lose Financial Leadership