
Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Today's media, the social networks, and the entertainment industry are like rat traps by enticing you into their way of life. They are just waiting for you to take the cheese (or the bait which draws you in). Do you…

God's Promises Are Sure

The Feast of Trumpets represents a pivotal day in the plan of God. In this message, we review just how important it is!


Amos, a minor prophet, being a man from outside the accepted channels gives a warning that can be heard throughout time and over and over again.

Chapters 21 and 22

Conclusion of the Series - chapters 21 and 22. New Heavens and New Earth, New Jerusalem, Light of God, River of Waters of Life, a Warning

Amos the Prophet

Amos is described as a sheepherder and farmer. But God chose him to give a message of warning to the nation of Israel. This message gives an overview of his book.

Return To Your First Love

Jesus Christ delivered a sobering warning to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:4-5 telling them to repent because they had left their "First Love". Are we guilty of drifting from our "First Love"? This message encourages us to meditate…

Let Your Light Shine

In Matthew 5:16 Jesus Christ commands us to "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Are you letting your light shine before men as Jesus Christ instructed…

It Is High Time To Awaken Out of Sleep

To show how trumpets were used in the Old Testament as warnings to the people of God. To then show how we are now being warned of where we are in Bible Prophecy by current events that have taken place…

Trumpets Yesterday Today, and Tomorrow

God is specific in his command to keep the Feast of Trumpets. Trumpets rationally have been used for warnings, as a method to introduce celebrating or even war.

Trumpets-A Day of Warning

Trumpets PM sermon. Trumpets is a day of warning and has many things for us to take heed and be aware of that we may be ready and prepared for the return of Jesus Christ.