
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life

The message notes important events on this day in history in light of the current Holy Day season and reflects on the deep meaning of Christ's statement that "I am the way, the truth and the life".

Tips For Navigating The Way

The path to the Kingdom of God is described as the narrow, difficult Way. If we're not careful, we can easily end up in the ditch, unable to complete the journey. As with driving, there are a number of things…

Children - Think, Teach, Talk

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 11/2/19 Each year on the second Sabbath after the Feast of Tabernacles, we follow the example in Matthew 19 and we ask a blessing on little children. As parents and mentors we each want the best for…

To Live is Christ

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 8/10/19 The Apostle Paul wrote in Phillipians 1:21, "To live is Christ and to die is gain". From life and a different way of thinking. How do we understand this statement in our modern world? Are we…

Counselor Not Control

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 6/9/19 Dealing with uncertainty is a natural part of life and can lead to stress and anxiety. Our natural human reaction is to seek to control and manage uncertainty, but God's gift of His Spirit shows us…

A More Excellent Way

When Jesus Christ came to earth He not only demonstrated but He also taught of the a vastly improved way for people to live their lives. Indeed, He taught mankind of a more excellent way to live!

Prove It

Check out the importance of and action plan in proving our beliefs from the Bible.