
How We Deceive Ourselves

How does Satan deceive the world? How does our human nature deceive us? What can we do to resist Satan’s deception?

What Will You Say?

We have been called by God, but sometimes He calls upon some of us for particular duties. We can see several examples in scripture of varying ways people have responded to God's call to duty.

Christmas, Does It Really Matter?

Many people today understand the origins of Christmas but don't think it matters if we celebrate it or not. Does it matter to God, and should it matter to you?

Tips For Navigating The Way

The path to the Kingdom of God is described as the narrow, difficult Way. If we're not careful, we can easily end up in the ditch, unable to complete the journey. As with driving, there are a number of things…


Jerry Zemlicka discusses the importance of the Day of Atonement and the opportunity it provides through the death of Christ along with the parallels of the two goats that picture the death of Christ and the putting away of Satan.

The Road Less Traveled

The Bible sometimes talks about "the way". As Christians we are supposed to follow the path, or the way, that God has set aside for each of us. The path is narrow, but we worship God by following this path…

Who Does Jesus Say He Is?

This message will help one understand who Jesus says He is, and learn about five valuable lessons we must never forget.

The Sermon on the Mount Part 11

If you will live by these sermons given to us by our Lord and Savior, you will be one with Christ and our Father in heaven.

The Way

What is the way and how can we know such? We will review that in this message.

Christianity as a Way of Life

Living God’s way is THE way of life. It affects all aspects of our being, what we do, and what we work at.