This Is the Way, Walk in It

In a world with problems caused by humanity's rejection of God's way it can seem like one bad thing after another. Even as Christians, we tend to lose hope and the positive edge that God's Spirit can develop in us for service toward God, our families, our brethren and our communities.

How often have we read Isaiah 30:21 that says, "This is the way, walk you in it"? Have you ever noticed what proceeds it? Lets read Isaiah 30:20-21 in full. "And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be moved into a corner anymore, but your eyes shall see your teachers. Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it', whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."

Is this only for the future or can we apply it today? 

It is interesting to note how often Jesus alluded to examples of people who were "making a difference" and asked His disciples to learn or take note of their examples. One example is that of the Good Samaritan. Was the Samaritan remembered because he was a church member or for what he did? Jesus purposefully took an example far out of the common scope of accepted thinking of that time and simply said, "Learn!" It wasn't so much what the good Samaritan knew, like the priest or the Levite, but what he did. Jesus asks us to learn now to become teachers of a way of life. A way that is outgoing, away from self.

Today our world can look foreboding. The storm is coming and things will seem to be out of control. But God asks us to deal with our immediate sphere of influence and do what we can.

The "This is the Way, Walk You In It" articles focus on various teachers in todays world - be they people, communities or nations - that are making a difference, examples that run contrary to the general course of a world that has turned its back on God. It will then be our goal to make it personal, to encourage you to good works in your life. It is easy to point out the wrong or bad but there is also a time to point out the good.

This article series was featured in the World News & Prophecy publication published from 1998 to 2011.


Even So, Come Lord Jesus!

This is the Way Walk in It

Looking back over 13 years of "This is the Way" columns.
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This Is the Way Walk in It

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The Good Shepherd of Prophecy

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Recently, I had one of those sleepless nights in which I was wide awake, staring into darkness, with seemingly tons of thought pressing on me.
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When we are dealing with the challenging issues of prophecy, it is always good to pause, take a deep spiritual breath and gain a sense of perspective as to what is truly going on down here.
Portrait of Edmund G. Ross

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Many men and women through history have stood up for what they believed was right and just, even when the majority was against them.

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Some issues that confront us must be stacked up against nothing less than eternity.