
Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

About Unity

Unity requires four basic elements: the lowliness of mind, meekness, patience, and forbearance. Today, we will take a look at these character traits and their development.

The Value of Weakness and Its Contribution to Your Success

In the Bible, weakness is defined in three different ways, the understanding of which gives us encouragement and strength.

Fundamental Belief #4: Humanity - Part 2

Fundamentals of Belief sermon on our Human Weaknesses and how we can overcome them.

A Quick Observation of God's Creation

When we look at all the variety in God's Creation, we should see that there is duality between the physical and spiritual in all He has made. During this Sabbath-in-the-Park, we shall explore how light and shape have comparable values…

The War Between Good and Evil

Pastor Bart Bornhorst emphasizes that we are the weakest beings in God’s plan of salvation, which is highlighted on this Day of Atonement, and covers three points in our battle for eternal life; stay away from the sinful attractions of…

Does God Have A Weakness?

Does our great God have a weakness? If you know what to look for, you see it over and over in the Bible. In keeping the feast, it shows us that this weakness will have to develop in us as…

No Compromise

This sermon reviews the effects of compromising God's Law in one's life and its serious penalties by reading biblical examples. These stories are reminders to not be slack regarding God's Word.

Gideon: From Farmer to Leader and Hero

See how Gideon's life, parallels our own. What weakness he had before God began working with him and are those weaknesses still in our own lives?

When I am Weak, I Am Strong

Could our failings, fears and weaknesses be-the very key to our usefulness?