Does the Bible say anything about the end of human history?

When Will the End of the World Take Place?

Does the Bible say anything about the end of human history?
Photo illustration of a blood moon.

Are the Blood Moons indicating the end of the world?

Are the four "blood moon" eclipses falling on biblical feast days in 2014-2015 an indicator of end-time events, as some say?
A shadow silhouette of a man with arms in the air.

What Did the Apostle Paul Mean by a "Falling Away" in the End Times?

Why will people follow a great religious leader during what many call the great falling away or the great apostasy?

Will the Jews build a temple in Jerusalem before Jesus Christ returns?

Does the Bible say that the temple must be rebuilt before Christ's second coming?
Clouds in the sky.

Is Matthew 24:41 talking about a secret rapture?

In the Olivet Prophecy, Jesus Christ says "one will be taken and the other left." What does this mean? Is this end-time prophecy talking about a secret rapture and some being "left behind"?
Clouds in the sky.

Does the Bible teach a secret rapture?

There has been a great deal of interest in end time events based on the Left Behind series of books and movies. What does the Bible teach about the rapture?

What does 1 Corinthians 13 verse 8 mean when it says prophecies will fail?

How can prophecies "fail" since they are God's word?

What does the Bible teach about a place of safety for the Church during the coming Great Tribulation?

Will all of God's people be protected from the terrible times of trouble before Jesus Christ's return?
A person's shadow in shallow pool of water.

What Is the Mark of the Beast Talked About in the Book of Revelation?

Bible prophecy describes a powerful leader and his government or empire as the Beast. God's people won't accept the mark of the Beast and will not be permitted to engage in commerce. What is this mark?

Who are the Laodiceans?

What lesson can we learn from the Laodiceans? Is there a modern-day Laodicean group?