A sunset over a field.

How Does God Want to be Worshipped?

Christ commanded us to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). But how do we worship God? Can we know what pleases Him?

What Does God Want?

We've been stricken by a lot of health issues. We often ask, "Why me?"

How can I please God?

What does God require of His followers? What does He expect of me?
Looking over a church audience during worship services.

What is fellowship?

What does the Bible say about fellowshipping with others?
Compass on top of the Bible.

Do I Need to Obey the Ten Commandments?

Has God's law changed? What does Jesus Christ expect Christians to do about the Ten Commandments?
A gravel path through a forest.

Can You Earn Salvation?

Is salvation something to be earned? Can it be lost?
Sunset over water.

Which Day is the Sabbath According to the Bible?

Which day is the Christian Sabbath? Since most churches observe Sunday as their day of rest and worship, many people assume that Sunday is the Sabbath. Is it? And how do Christians observe the biblical Sabbath day?
A man reading a Bible.

Did Jesus Christ fulfill everyone's obligation to the law?

What did Christ mean when He said, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets...but to fulfill"?
A man holding a Bible.

What Does the Bible Say About Law and Grace?

Are God's law and His grace really contradictory, as many seem to think? Or do they work together?
What is the Golden Rule?

What is the Golden Rule?

Where does the Bible talk about the Golden Rule, and what does it mean for Christians today?