A person pointing a flashlight beam up into the night sky.

Man’s Search for Meaning in the Universe

Humankind seems to be “wired” to want to explore, to learn, to reach out, to understand why we are here and where we are headed.
A person staring at the night sky filled with stars.

What Is Man That You Are Mindful of Him?

Many today struggle with their place in the vastness of this universe. Why are you here? What is your place in all of this?

Lack of Knowledge

True knowledge lies in knowing the reason and purpose of life.

Life's Purpose

This world is not a whim of God—it is all here for a great reason.

Star Wars III

As the Star Wars series finally comes to a close, what lessons can we learn from its story line and characters?
A young adult woman starring at the ground in thought.

Why Were You Born?

Time and chance have a part in who we are. But God is not so concerned about where we came from as where we can go.