
Whatever Happened to the Father?

Whatever happened to the Father? Why is He seemingly so unimportant in the world of Christianity? Let's see what the Bible and the Jesus Christ have to say about whatever happened to the Father?

Who is God

Since the beginning of time mankind has been trying to define who God is, today we will look at who God is from His own words.

Getting to Know the Lord God Who Spoke

Can we identify Who He was? Why did He say “these are My feasts?” Does it matter?

God Is ...

One major component of faith as found in Hebrews 11:6 is to believe that God is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Today we will explore some of the many facets of our Creator…

Why Is It Important to Know Who and What God Is

Two great questions of life are: Who Is God? and What Is God? Why is it so important for us to know the answers to these two questions? This message focuses on the why by discussing several reasons from the…

Who is God?

The title of this message is "Who is God". I will touch and expand upon the following 6 points. 1 - God is Spirit 2 - God is all Powerful 3 - God is Everywhere 4 - God is Eternal…

The ‘Is Jesus God’ Controversy

Some boldly claim that Jesus is not God, and it has been a controversy since the time of Arius. What is the answer to this important question? What did Jesus say about Himself? Scriptures revealed to us what we could…

How Much Do We Know About God

Sermon asks the question... how much do we know about God

Nature of God

Most people in the world have some concept and belief in God. However, there is not unanimity of understanding as to just who and what God is. This sermon will explore what the Scriptures reveal about the Nature of God.

The Immovable Ladder

Learn about the tradition of the immovable ladder, years upon years of not changing because of stubbornness and disagreement. What can we learn from the lessons Paul taught to the Athenians on the subject of who God is and the…