
Zeal for God's Work

Satan, the devil, has done a very good job in blinding the minds of people to the purpose of God and truly why we are alive. What is the purpose for life?
A question sign in the sky.

What Is God’s Plan for You?

The ultimate purpose of human beings is to become part of the family of God.

God's Calling

Our calling should be incredibly encouraging so let's stay the course!

Atonement: The Reason Why We Are Here

In this sermon, the question: "Why am I here?" is discussed. Fortunately for us, God revealed His instruction book. In it, we can learn what came before us and what our future holds if we do what He says.

Why We Keep Pentecost

Why we keep Penetecost. A look at the basic scriptures around our understanding of this day

Highlights From The 2019 GCE

The primary reminders from the conference was embodied by the three topics covered. Namely answering the question of "What is the big picture?", ie: What is God's Purpose in dealing with man?, Why do we exist? and What is your…

What is Your Why?

We need to find our Why; and then keep your Why. Today, let's research this subject to find our Why.

The Mission and Vision of United Church of God - Why Are You Here?

None of us can explain why God called us, individually out of the world and into the most important work in the Universe. And it begs the question, "Why Am I Here?" The United Church of God has developed a…

Is There Life Before Death?

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon sets out to wrestle with the enigmas of life. He involves himself in a case study to determine if there is life before death. Is this life under the sun meaningless? Find our why…

Do You Know Who You Are?

Do you know who you are, why you are here, and what you can become? You exist for a great transcendental purpose - to become a son of God.