
Comfort and Consolation

Have you ever known people who, despite tragedy, were able to offer comfort to others? Where do those who are able to comfort others while enduring their own tragedy receive the strength to help others?

Lessons From Job

While the world looks at all the evil in the world and tries to figure out why, where do we look to find out where the source of our troubles may stem from? Looking at God's word and learning lessons…
Philippines Typhoon Haiyan - Why does God allow suffering?

Philippines Typhoon Haiyan - Why does God allow suffering?

A woman sitting on cliff edge with her dog.

Why Doesn’t God Hear or Answer Me? Why Do I Have Unanswered Prayers?

Few attitudes are more disheartening and destructive to faith than the feeling that God doesn't hear our prayers, doesn't answer or doesn't care. It is easy to come to such conclusions when God doesn't respond when or how we want.
Upclose photo of a snake's head.

Does Isaiah 45:7 imply that God creates evil?

Where does evil come from? Why does God allow evil and tragedy in the world?

The Devil Made Me Do It

Have you ever heard someone say, “The devil made me do it”?

When Bad Things Happen to God's People

All things work together for good, right? But how?

Memorial Day for Servants of God

God remembers His faithful and fallen servants. In Hebrews 11 we find a list of some of the true heroes of faith.

When You Feel Like Giving Up

Greetings friends, We may feel like quitting sometimes, but hang in there.

Life's Rebukes

Hi friends, We may learn through suffering—but the quicker we learn, the less we suffer unnecessarily.