

Humans typically want MORE. What MORE should you be seeking? What MORE shouldn't you be seeking? How can you have MORE of what God wants you to have? Let's examine the Bible's core message concerning our pursuit of MORE in…

A Letter to the Widow Who Gave Just Two Coins

The Holy Day Offering is a gift of opportunity. We have been gifted by God to be able to share what He has given us, and that gift is passed down through the generations. A letter to the widow explains…

Pure and Undefiled Religion

James instruction in chapter 1 verse 27 gives us valuable insight into our responsibility as a Christian. We go through a brief study about God's expectations and warnings as it pertains to James’s writings.

True Christianity

True Christianity lives because Christianity is the most balanced and productive way of living, and is neither odd nor strange. It works. Great amounts of Christ’s teachings were the basic principles of interpersonal relationships. But do we really believe that…

A Father of the Fatherless and a Defender of Widows

Widows and the fatherless are among the more vulnerable in society, and God looks out for them and defends them. He expects us to do likewise, and will punish those who would take advantage of them.

How God Views Seniors and Widows

In a split-sermon, Bob McCurdy discusses what the Bible says about the care and respect God places on seniors, widows and the fatherless in society and in His church. [Note - given in Buford, GA on 5/26/18]

3 Forgotten Sins of Judah

Ancient Israel and the tribe of Judah had many challenges in following God, mostly forgetting who God was and worshiping false idols. But there were other issues as well. We will explore 3 less thought of lessons that Judah needed…

Lessons From Grandma Mary

James 127. What does it really mean to visit widows and orphans? What does the word visit actually mean? Are we to take visiting just orphans and widows at face value?

Showing Honor – Part of God’s Way of Life

God says much about the subject of honor. In this sermon, Bob McCurdy discusses the subject of who God says is worthy of honor, and how we should focus honor towards God.

Pure and Undefiled Religion

We are told that pure and undefiled religion is to visit the orphans and widows. Be sure to make time to obey this command.