
What's Your Legacy?

Kobe Bryant left behind a rather large legacy. So did Adolf Hitler. Do you ever think about what your legacy might be? Will you have have one? Will it be good or bad? In this message, we'll talk about legacies…

An Acceptable Offering

We can never out-give our spiritual offering with the physical. Our financial offering can at most be a reflection of the giving of ourselves as a living sacrifice to God.
Forward! Giving - Is It Just Money?

Forward! Giving - Is It Just Money?

Jesus perceived the heart of the widow who gave only two mites and used her to explain an important principle in having the right heart.
The Good Steward of God's Blessings: Sharing Our Time, Talent and Treasure

"The Good Steward of God's Blessings

In the face of seemingly insurmountable difficulties, you can make a difference.