

God says to remember our history, or we will forget His law and forget Him.

The Mark of the Beast and the Mark of God

Speculating about which specific technology will be used to mark people is just a distraction. Whether its a tattoo or a digital chip is irrelevant. What matters is WHY its used, WHAT sort of activities it affects, WHO gets it…

Emergency Wilderness Survival Knowledge

When entering the wilderness, we must go prepared with the essentials to survive in the wilderness.

Into the Wilderness

Israel's years of wandering are a warning and instruction for us as we face yet another year wandering in the spiritual wilderness of this world. Four points to consider in the coming year.

The Greatest Story Rarely Told

A look at God ‘s Plan through out the Bible and its importance in our life!

Lessons from Our Journey

Speaker: Jonathan Hill 8/17/19 Like Abraham, God has called us to take a journey through the wilderness. We must have the same faith that God will help us preserve to the end, and He will keep this promise of giving…

Red Sea of Our Salvation

“Backroad to the Promised Land.” When Israel left Egypt, they traveled on the main road to the Promised Land. God turned them off the main road for their safety and in the process showed His miraculous delivery of them through…

The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation, or Time of Jacobs Trouble is a detailed set of prophesied events that will take place immediately before the return of Christ. It serves as a warning to those who are not taking their calling seriously… and…

Events From the Days of Unleavened Bread

A few weeks ago (April 6, 2019) we looked at the events that occurred in ancient Israel leading up to the first Passover in about 1446BC. We reviewed the original events and gleaned from them some lessons for us today…

The Inner Man

In this world of constant distractions, we must take time to focus on our "inner man". In order to do this, we need to make sure we are making opportunities to have "wilderness" moments with God as Jesus Christ did.