
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?

Have you ever encountered someone who appeared genuine, only to learn later they did not have your best interests in mind? These are sometimes referred to as 'Wolves in Sheep's clothing.' Jesus Christ referred to this strange creature and warned…

The Convenience Store Church

Have you ever thought of your church as a convenience store? As strange as that might seem, many view church as not much more than such a store. What does your church provide you, and more importantly, why do you…

Like Sheep Among Wolves

Christ warned his followers about Wolves? Do you know what he meant ? Why he said it? What is there to be concerned about?

How Does God Want Us to Judge?

Judging is an essential part of a Godly life, it goes hand in hand with the love of God. The bible gives us examples of how we are to judge.

Watch Out For The Wolves

In Matthew 7:15 Jesus Christ warns us to "Beware of False Prophets". This message examines how we can identify and resist both false messages and those who would bring destructive heresies into our congregations.

Lambs, not wolves

Do we hear the voice of Jesus Christ? Do we see his works? Christ's example to us as our true shepherd reflected the attributes of a lamb, and never those of a wolf. There are several other characteristics we can…

Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing

The rise of false teachers is associated with the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God at the end of the age. Jesus warns us that some will come right into the congregation, with smooth words, apparent humility…

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Attacks on the church can come from anywhere. How can you identify a wolf in sheep's clothing?
A wolf in the open woods.

Beware of Wolves!

Wolf attacks on humans probably aren't something to fear. So what then does the Bible mean by looking out for wolves in sheeps' clothing?