
Preach the Gospel to Every Creature

Christ commissioned His Church to preach the gospel to every creature. He is beginning to build a world for tomorrow through the efforts of the Church today. How can you play a part in His great plan?

Mystery of Fellowship

God wants to have a close relationship with everyone. Through fellowship with each other, God's family grows in unity. And, we fellowship with God in our prayers.

Fundamental Belief #2: The Word of God

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at prrofs of the Bible and why God's word is still true and valid today.

The Importance of Sound Doctrine

What is doctrine? It is important? Does it really matter what your church teaches or what you believe? In this message, we explore what doctrine is, and why it is vitally important to you and for generations to come!

Do We Understand Jesus Christs Role

Join us for this amazing study on the Role of Jesus Christ in each of our lives. Are we pleasing God in our relationships and our everyday lives? The answer to this question and more in this video sermon.

Life Between the Two Edens

How to face trials and find encouragement when the unthinkable happens.

YHVH is Jesus' Name Too

It is clear that in the Old Testament the Father God and the Word, who became Jesus Christ, are both called by the name YHVH. YAHVEH means "I AM", the self-existent One, the Eternal One.

The Coming Famine of the Word

About 2,775 years ago, the Lord God delivered a prophecy through Amos describing "a famine of the hearing of the word is coming...”. What is the “word” not heard, what causes the famine, and what comes afterwards?

Spiritual Mastery #3: Mastering the Tongue

We are to go on to maturity as a Christian but how do we do this? It has everything to do with a focus on the inner man assessing what level we operate on the inside. It's easy to portray…

Strong Words of Jesus Christ

This is a very interesting study of Matthew 13 , and the parables contained in this chapter. This eye opening Sermon will answer lots of questions, including the question of why Jesus Christ spoke in parables. Please join us for…