
The Power of Our Words

The tongue is a mighty power; with it we curse and bless. The words that we speak is to reflect His character and His purposes.

The Importance of Nothing in the Bible

The word 'Nothing,' is one of those often used words in our everyday vocabulary! In its common usage, it usually denotes and gives the implication that nothing is existent, not relating to anything of reality! And yet, when we observe…

Where Your Treasure Is - There Your Heart Will Be

In a split-sermon, Michael Bannen discusses the Bible - the Word of Life - and ways we can find to bring it into our lives.

Spiritual Mastery #3: Mastering the Tongue

We are to go on to maturity as a Christian but how do we do this? It has everything to do with a focus on the inner man assessing what level we operate on the inside. It's easy to portray…

How Important are Your Words?

It's by our words, that we'll be judged. Matt 12:37. Our words express who we are. How mindful are we in using our words?

Who's Words Do You Follow?

Follow the words of Christ rather than the words of society.

The Sermon on the Mount

The first of a series examining Christ's sermon on the mount as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew.

The Day of Atonement

Those who keep the commandments of God and believe in Jesus Christ have been given the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Do You Value Your Owner's Manual, Your Survival Guide?

Do You Value Your Owner's Manual, Your Survival Guide?