
Is Your Hand Still on the Plow?

Are you fully committed to follow Jesus Christ and not look back?

Able Men for the House of God

The apostles forsook everything and Christ began his church with them. You too, can be an able man for the house of God. Here's how!

God's Blessings Over the Last Ten Years

With the advance of technology through the years, we, as a church, have been blessed with advances in our ability to preach the Gospel.

Are You Playing Church?

The goal of the Church is not merely to help the youth to have fun, strengthen relationships, and become good people. The goal of the Church is to help you become disciples of Jesus Christ. Let’s go through the steps…

Five Worlds to Reach with the Gospel

The Bible tells us to "Go Ye Therefore into All the World." There are five very distinct worlds out there. We need to know these worlds and go into where they are. We must connect with the people, as Christ…

The Acts of the Apostles and the Work of the Church

God's church is the means by which He is now preparing this world for Christ's return. He's preparing the future teachers and the future leaders of His kingdom. God is laying a foundation for the world for tomorrow through each…

Unity of Faith Through God's Spirit

God is the Creator of unity of purpose. In our church there is both a unity of faith and a diversity of cultures that should be appreciated and respected. Both elements are needed to be balanced if we are to…

Doing God’s Work

Why the Work? What is the ultimate outcome that God wants to achieve? We can answer that question using seven points which come directly out of the Model Prayer.

There is Hope in the Work

What do you hope for? There is purpose and meaning in doing the work of God.

The Temple—The People

Ryan McNeely shows how God admonishes, through Haggai, His people who were sent back to their homeland to do His work of rebuilding the Temple. Haggai explains this new Temple would not have the Glory of old, but the people…