
Pressure… Don’t Worry, Prepare To Win

What do you do when you're under pressure? How can we prepare and is there help available?
Media Production

Work Ethic: Part 2

We have a responsibility to care for the poor, the widows, and the orphans, but this doesn't negate our responsibility to worship God and live godly principles in our lives.
Media Production

Work Ethic: Part 1

There is value in work, and the Bible admonishes us to work and have a strong work ethic.

The Christian Responsibility to Work Hard

The biblical case for having a strong work ethic as a Christian.

The Time is Now

Career work has an ending. We all look forward to the time we can relax and enjoy retirement, but is that all there is to life? God's work is both physical and spiritual. We need to combine both of these…

The Work That God Has Given You

We can read the scriptures and see the work that God gave to people like Noah, Moses, Joseph, and the apostles. But what is the work that God has given to you?

Solving National Social Problems

The United States, as well as many other nations, have serious financial problems resulting from their attempts to handle social situations affecting their citizens. In this sermonette, Kirk Talbott discusses how God has provided answers that would avoid suffering by…

Biblical Principles on Money

How does money and the use of it reflect our Christian character? The real meaning behind the Parable of the Unjust Steward is explained as well as Biblical principles on the use of money.

Work to Honor God

Though our lives we can use work to honor and glorify God. Also work enhances our lives and provides sustenance for one’s livelihood as well as others benefit from anyone who works and is productive. Work is a positive way…

God Wants Us to Work

Work may be defined as applying a force across a distance. Work can include mental or physical types of activity. When we do work, it should be as if it is for God. Work should also include the motive to…