
Reality and Relationship with God

When airplane pilots experience vertigo they loose a sense of reality and are unable to use their senses for direction. They must rely on their instruments to determine their true position. In the same way, Christians must follow the Bible…

Come Out of Her My People

This world's system is a modern day Babylon. We, as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, are expected to come out of this world's ways.

Seek Ye First

Has the gift of God's calling manifest in your life? Ryan Hall discusses the impact that God's spirit and calling should impact your life.

Abraham Separates from Lot

God wants to guide His children to His way of life through obedience to Him, but He is Great enough, wise enough and capable of teaching us His way through our sins, mistakes and unwise decisions if that is what…

God Helps Abraham Build Faith

We all think of Abraham as the father of the faithful. How did his faith grow to the point where we think of Abram as representing the pinnacle of faith?

Are We Yielding to God’s Values?

In our world today, what people value and what God values are often at odds. However you and must always clothe ourselves to God's righteous values. Indeed, He desires that we continually yield ourselves to Him and His way of…

What Does Paul Mean by Unbeliever in 1 Corinthians?

What do the expressions, "does not believe," "unbelieving" and "unbeliever" mean in 1 Corinthians 7:12-15?