
The Principle of Quarantine - Physical and Spiritual

In a sermonette directed to the webcast audiences of the Buford and Atlanta congregations, Jon Davies discusses God's instructions about the use of quarantine to protect physical health, and applications that protect us from damage to our spiritual health.


What is the thing that keeps us from drifting along with today's wayward society? The answer is our solid and active faith toward God.

Come Out of Her My People

This world's system is a modern day Babylon. We, as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ, are expected to come out of this world's ways.

The Spirit in Man

Listen to this sermon to learn why our spirit needs God's Spirit.

Whatever My Eye Desires

Listen to this sermon and learn why we should put God's thoughts first (2 Chronicles 7:14-15). What does your eye desire (Matthew 6:22-23)?

The "Sorry Game" of Life

We must humble ourselves. For 6000 years Satan has guided human government resulting in havoc on the world. In today's sermon we will be covering 2 types of sorrow. We will cover Godly sorrow and Worldly sorrow, and how they…

Could You Have an Entitlement Mentality

There's a pervasive mentality in society that is dangerous to a true Christian. Could that mentality rub off on us? How would we know?

The World: My Enemy

1 John 2:15 “Do not love the world or the things of the world…” What is this world system, how did it come into being, and who controls it?

Overcome by the World Around Them

Israel in Canaan is a record of people overcome by the world around them rather than overcoming that world. The warning for you and me is loud and clear.

God Helps Abraham Build Faith

How did Abraham grow into the man we recognize today as the "Father of the Faithful?" Why is Abraham known as the Father of the Faithful? How does worldliness affect our faith? Today we are going to walk with Abraham…